Civic Addressing Bylaw (JDF Electoral Area) NO. 1, 2004
A Bylaw to Assign, Regulate and Display Civic Address Numbers in the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area Bylaw No. 3201, amendment Bylaw No.3267.
As summary of the amendment Bylaw 3267, it (a) adds a statement that the assignment of a civic address by the CRD does not imply the property complies with other CRD bylaws and (b) removes Section 8 of Bylaw 3201 regarding any penalties.
The following is a summary of 3201 – Civic Addressing Bylaw (Juan de Fuca Electoral Area), No. 1, 2004, as amended by Bylaw 3267. In the case of any discrepancy between this information and the actual bylaw, the bylaw takes precedence.
Requirements of the Bylaw:
Each building within the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area must be assigned a unique civic address by the CRD Building department, which will be different from the civic address on other buildings situated on other properties.
The property owner is responsible to properly and permanently affix the civic address on the building within 90 days of receiving the number or numbers as follows:
(i) If engineering grade or better reflective material is used, then each number must be at least 6.5 cm in height.
(ii) If engineering grade reflective material is not used, then each number must be at least 15 cm in height and must contrast sharply with any background colour.
(iii) The civic address must be between 1 and 2 metres above grade and must be visible from all directions on the street and clear from any vegetation or other obstruction that may block its view.
(iv) Numbers must be displayed as numbers and not text.
The property owner is responsible to properly and permanently affix the civic address on the building within 90 days of receiving the number or numbers as follows:
(i) If engineering grade or better reflective material is used, then each number must be at least 6.5 cm in height.
(ii) If engineering grade reflective material is not used, then each number must be at least 15 cm in height and must contrast sharply with any background colour.
(iii) The civic address must be between 1 and 2 metres above grade and must be visible from all directions on the street and clear from any vegetation or other obstruction that may block its view.
(iv) Numbers must be displayed as numbers and not text.
For buildings which are greater than 10 metres from the street or where the numbers are not visible from all directions on the street, the following also applies:
(i) In addition to the civic address on the building, a duplicate set of numbers must be permanently displayed beside the driveway at the intersection with the street to which the civic number applies.
(ii) The sign must meet the requirements as outlined in section 6.1.
(iii) Extra signage may be required along the driveway to assist in locating the building.
If more than one property or building is accessed by a common driveway:
(i) Each civic address must be displayed at the street as described in Section 6.2.
(ii) Individual civic numbers and/or unit numbers must be clearly posted on each building as described in section 6.1.
No owner of a building will display or cause to be displayed any other number than the civic number or unit number assigned by the Capital Regional District.
No person shall alter, renumber or change any civic address without first receiving permission from the Capital Regional District.
(i) In addition to the civic address on the building, a duplicate set of numbers must be permanently displayed beside the driveway at the intersection with the street to which the civic number applies.
(ii) The sign must meet the requirements as outlined in section 6.1.
(iii) Extra signage may be required along the driveway to assist in locating the building.
If more than one property or building is accessed by a common driveway:
(i) Each civic address must be displayed at the street as described in Section 6.2.
(ii) Individual civic numbers and/or unit numbers must be clearly posted on each building as described in section 6.1.
No owner of a building will display or cause to be displayed any other number than the civic number or unit number assigned by the Capital Regional District.
No person shall alter, renumber or change any civic address without first receiving permission from the Capital Regional District.