Emergency Preparedness Planning


The CRD works in conjunction with other agencies to provide information, support and oversight to ensure a coordinated response to regional emergencies. The CRD has a number of specific responsibilities for Emergency Management in the region including:

  • Acting as the Local Authority under the Emergency Program Act for the three rural Electoral Areas: Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island and the Southern Gulf Islands
  • Facilitating resource and information sharing among the local authorities emergency programs in the region through the Regional Emergency Management Partnership (REMP), and the Local Government Emergency Program Advisory Commission (LG EPAC).
  • Working in conjunction with other CRD divisions to support emergency planning for key services such as water and solid waste
  • Maintaining a comprehensive Corporate Emergency Plan and Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)

Electoral Area Emergency Management

The CRD supports local community based emergency programs in each of the Electoral Areas, supported by hundreds of local, dedicated volunteers. These programs work with local first responders and resources to prepare for any emergency events and develop plans based on input from local stakeholders.

For More Information on the JDF Emergency Program click the link below: 

Juan de Fuca Emergency Program

Emergency Program Coordinator – Juan de Fuca

Jeri Grant
Tel: 250.642.8105 Click here to email the JDF Emergency Coordinator

New for 2023: Household Evacuation Guides are now available for Otter Point.
click here for the Household Evacuation Guide


Links to related resources

JDF Emergency Management Home Page
Public Safety Canada – Get Prepared
Provincial Emergency Program
Canadian Red Cross