High Risk Activities

How You Can Help to Reduce Wildfire Risk

Here is a quick ‘cheat-sheet’ that explains each HIGH RISK hazard:

(click on the image to enlarge)


What is early shift and when does it start?

What is a ‘fire watcher?’

What are high-risk activities?

Frequently Asked Questions During Restricted High-Risk-Activity Day

Can residents mow their lawn?

Can residents use a weed-eater?

Can farmers hay their fields?

Is excavating a high-risk activity?

Can residents use a chainsaw on a landing?

Is drilling a high-risk activity?

What is the Local Fire Hazard, what do they mean and how is it determined?

Low: Fires may start easily and spread quickly but there will be minimal involvement of deeper fuel layers or larger fuels.

Moderate: Forest fuels are drying and there is an increased risk of surface fires starting. Carry out any forest activities with caution.

High: Forest fuels are very dry and the fire risk is serious. New fires may start easily, burn vigorously, and challenge fire suppression efforts. Extreme caution must be used in any forest activities. Open burning and industrial activities may be restricted.

Extreme: Extremely dry forest fuels and the fire risk is very serious. New fires will start easily, spread rapidly, and challenge fire suppression efforts. General forest activities may be restricted, including open burning, industrial activities, and campfires.



Otter Point Fire Department (OPFD) posts the current Local Fire Hazard for the community at the fire hall and at two locations in the district, near the 2800 block of Otter Point Road and the 7800 block of West Coast Road.  OPFD also posts fire-hazard information on the website and our Facebook page.

The purpose of Local Fire Hazard signs is to inform workers of fire risk as it relates to their due-diligence obligations regarding industrial High-Risk Activities under  CRD Bylaw 4489 – Fire Regulation Bylaw No. 2, 2020

Community members can also use these information signs to guide best practices for their own forest-use activities. Burn Restrictions may also be posted alongside the Local Fire Hazard regarding use of land clearing, backyard burning, and campfires (see https://otterpointfire.bc.ca/burning-regulations/ page.) 

Who do I call to report a violation?

Violations of CRD 4489- Fire Regulation Bylaw No.2 2020 can be liable upon conviction to penalties prescribed by the Offence Act. Under CRD Bylaw 4489 -Fire Regulation Bylaw No.2 2020, Open Burning caused by High-Risk Activities may be subject to Cost Recovery for expenses and resources incurred by the Fire Department to control or extinguish the fire.

Additionally, the Wildfire Regulation and Wildfire Act are enforced by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNR) Compliance and Enforcement Branch. The FLNR Compliance and Enforcement Branch and the RCMP may also actively pursue violators of these regulations when conditions warrant.

Please refer to the Penalties and Offences section of the Wildfire Regulation, which describes penalties of up to $100,000 and or one year in prison for violations. Note that a person responsible for starting a fire may also be charged for all fire suppression costs to the province.

Further information on wildfires, provincial danger ratings, and forest restrictions can be obtained by calling the toll-free Wildfire Information number: 1-888-3-FOREST (1-888-336-7378). Questions about CRD 3452- Fire Regulation Bylaw No.1 2007  can be directed to Chief John McCrea at 3727 Otter Point Road (250) 642-6211. To report a wildfire in the OPFD district, call 911.