Having missed the dinner last year due to Covid-19 many of our firefighters were able to get together this year for a dinner and awards ceremony. Many of the significant accomplishments of the past two years were recognized. In January of 2020, the Otter Point Fire Department quietly marked 40 years of service to the community of Otter Point. Over the past year, the fire hall went through an expansion and exterior upgrade. Just two weeks ago we received delivery of a new water tender replacing a 26-year-old tender.
Awards that were handed out over the past year and a half were recapped.
Three new awards were handed out.
Rob Read was presented with a 5-year pin. A year late as Rob has now served the department for over 6 years!
Lisa Marino was recognized as the Otter Point Fire Department “Firefighter of the Year” for 2021! Lisa’s accomplishments and commitment to the Fire Department over the past year have been outstanding!!
Shawn Fiset was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Shawn has completed NFPA 1001, Fire Officer 1 courses, and has made significant commitments to the Otter Point Training Centre over the past 2 years. He was Fire Fighter of the year in 2020 and has proven his skills as a leader in our department.
Even though the past 2 years have been challenging our firefighters continue to rise to the challenge and excel in their service to the community! Thank You to all our firefighters!

Shawn Fiset Promoted to Position of Lieutenant.

2021 Fire Fighter of the Year Lisa Marino

Fire Fighter Rob Read receives his 5-year service pin.
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