


August 1975 was the formation of the Otter District Home Fire Protection Society. This organization was established for providing fire protection in the Kemp Lake-Otter Point Road area, but excluded all areas in the Kemp Lake Waterworks District. Cliff Beange was elected fire chief and Al Ruttan deputy chief.

In March 1976 an organizational meeting was held to advocate a fire protection district in the Otter Point-Kemp Lake area. When the letters patent of the Kemp Lake Waterworks District were interpreted they were found to allow for the establishment of a fire protection district and the meeting sent notice to the trustees that this was desired. Outdated letters patent and a split between those wanting only water service and those wanting water and fire protection service delayed the formation of the fire district until a proposal to amalgamate with the Otter Point Home Fire Protection Society was made in March 1979. A referendum on this issue was approved by a vast majority on November 17, 1979.

As a result the Otter Point Fire District was formed in January 1980. It is run by a 7 member commission of local residents including a firemen’s representative. Half of the representatives on the commission come up for election each year at the annual general meeting.

Historical Time Line, 1975 – 1980

An $80,000 budget financed by a loan from the Capital Regional District paid for a new firehall at Kemp Lake and Otter Point Roads. The official opening was held in May 1981.